Whiting Avenue, Barking

Client: Pocket Living
LPA: London Borough of Barking
Pocket are a private company who through their very specific development model provide intermediate affordable flats for singles and couples in areas of high public transport accessibility. Through the terms of the S106 agreement, Pocket homes are sold at a discount of 20% to the open market value of an equivalent property in the area.
The scheme will deliver significant benefits in providing 78 new affordable homes in an area where open market values place home ownership beyond the reach of many. Pocket sell their accommodation to those who do not already own their own home and can only be purchased by owner-occupiers, not investors. Priority is given to local buyers who live or work within the borough. Purchasers are often those who provide essential services to London, such as teachers and nurses. Pocket homes allow purchasers to live close to where they work and avoid long commuting times.
The site currently comprises a car park, turning head and contaminated open space located on the edge of an established residential estate. Boyer was also involved in an earlier planning application for the remediation of the land which was approved in April 2017. Adjacent to a busy relief road, the site presented a number of challenges that required careful strategy and management to overcome. Working with Reed Watts Architects, a scheme for two new buildings on site comprising 4 storeys and part 4, part 6 storeys were developed. The buildings provide an appropriate transition between the neighbouring mansion blocks and the surrounding residential developments, whilst respecting the amenity of neighbours.
Committee Members were satisfied that the proposals robustly overcame concerns relating to parking, unit size, dwelling mix, impact to neighbouring amenity, massing and design, impact on trees and wheelchair housing provision. Members acknowledged that the schemes provided a significant public benefit through the provision of a further 78 units of 100% intermediate affordable housing, which will play a small, but not insignificant part, in addressing the housing crisis within London.
Boyer is proud of our on-going partnership with Pocket Living and look forward to continued success in unlocking sites for the delivery of affordable housing across London.