Westbury Estate (Phase 1)

Client: St. James

LPA: London Borough of Lambeth

The proposals have been designed to deliver Phase 1 of a comprehensive masterplan for redevelopment of the Westbury Estate and fulfil a Section 106 obligation for off-site affordable housing attached to a previous permission at 22-29 Albert Embankment which was approved in September 2015.

The proposals involve the redevelopment of the land across two sites. Site 1 comprises a part 4, part 9 storey (plus basement) building fronting Wandsworth Road to accommodate 40 social rented residential units, 157sqm flexible commercial floorspace and provision of floorspace to accommodate a site wide energy centre, together with associated landscaping works, amenity space, refuse and cycle storage. Site 2 comprises a 5 storey building fronting Wandsworth Road to accommodate 24 social rented residential units, together with associated landscaping works, amenity space, refuse and cycle storage.

The proposals will deliver significant public benefits through the provision of 64 well-designed social rented homes and a vastly improved replacement open space. The resultant scheme would also make a significant contribution towards the regeneration of the area and act as a catalyst for the future estate renewal whilst providing the early delivery of housing within the Estate and enabling relocation of existing residents whilst further development is implemented.

The Committee, in resolving to approve the scheme, commended the design of the building and concluded that the scheme would be a positive addition to the area in providing much-needed social rented homes in the borough.

Boyer continues to work on a number of projects throughout the London Borough of Lambeth and look forward to a continued successful working relationship with St. James.

Key Contact

The senior team member overseeing all aspects of this project.

Grant Leggett

Executive Director, Head of Boyer London

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