Vauxhall Walk

Client: CLS
LPA: London Borough of Lambeth
Boyer secured planning permission for the latest phase of CLS’s award winning Spring Mews estate which consists of offices, a hotel and student accommodation. The site, 92-98 Vauxhall Walk, is adjacent to CLS's head office, and previously comprised five outdated office units. The development involves the redevelopment of the site to provide a quality 10 storey office building, with associated facilities and amenities including roof terraces and break out space.
The proposal involves an uplift of five times the existing floorspace, providing a valuable contribution to the supply of office space in the Central Activities Zone and the Vauxhall, Nine Elms and Battersea Opportunity Area. As part of the planning application Boyer successfully negotiated a suitable affordable workspace solution to address Lambeth’s affordable workspace policy, which was emerging at the time.
Image copyright: The Manser Practice