Townfield Meadows, Kirdford

Client: Welbeck
LPA: Chichester District Council
Boyer has submitted a planning application on behalf of client Welbeck Land for Townfield Meadows to the south of Townfield in Kirdford for a sensitively design new residential neighbourhood providing extensive biodiversity enhancements, publicly accessible open space and up to 70 new homes, affordable housing, play provision, community sporting facility, new and improved footpaths and other improvements to infrastructure. Boyer provided planning, masterplanning and architectural services for the proposed scheme which will of be high quality and context responsive. The proposals were informed by a Placemaking Charter and a Pattern Book produced by Boyer which informed the evolution of the scheme through promotion to planning application. The result is a masterplan that provides a sensitively considered high-quality sustainable development that responds to local character, prioritises nature and social cohesion, and is visually and physically well integrated with the village of Kirdford. The proposals have also considered the impact of climate change and how necessary measures can be built in at the onset to achieve reduction in carbon emissions.