Purley Rise, Purley-on-Thames, Berkshire

Image: © Shanly Homes Ltd

Client: Shanly Homes Ltd
LPA: West Berkshire Council

The planning permissions include reserved matters approval for 26 market and affordable homes and 3 separate approvals for custom build homes.  Full planning permission was also granted for the demolition of an existing home and development of 2 new homes.  The proposals include high quality, carefully designed homes integrated amongst green and blue infrastructure with a large area of public open space at the rear for residents to enjoy.

The site was not short of complexities with significant rounds of negotiation required with the Council in relation to the drainage strategy along the steeply sloping access road and biodiversity enhancements in the large area of public open space at the rear of the site.  Boyer enjoyed working with Shanly and the project team to overcome these challenges and look forward to doing so again in the future.

Key Contact

The senior team member overseeing all aspects of this project.

Mandy Owen

Associate Director

Meet the Project Team

All the team members bringing their individual expert knowledge to this project.

Joseph Hickling

Principal Planner

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