Popes Farm, Amen Corner North, Berkshire

Image: © Shanly Homes
Client: Shanly Homes
LPA: Bracknell Forest Council
Boyer secured planning permission for 53 new homes on a complex greenfield site forming part of a wider strategic allocation in Binfield, Bracknell, on behalf of Shanly Homes. The proposals included the demolition of the existing farmhouse and the retention and conversion of an historic barn.
The planning permission was the culmination of two years of negotiations with the Council regarding the detailed design of the proposals on matters including drainage, impact on nearby heritage assets, ancient woodland, TPO protected trees and highways improvements. Whilst half the site fell within an existing strategic allocation at Amen Corner North, the other half fell within countryside and so was reliant on the Council’s housing land supply deficit and the tilted balance in the NPPF.
The scheme also had to be carefully designed to achieve comprehensive development with the approved development on the remainder of the allocation whilst providing alternative vehicular and pedestrian accesses due to ransom strips along the site’s eastern boundary.
At planning committee the Chairman acknowledged the benefits of the proposals and the efforts made over the course of the application to amend and agree an acceptable scheme with Officers.
Boyer has considerable experience advising clients on sites in Bracknell Forest, including a second site for Shanly Homes at the Palm Hills Estate, which is allocated for development in the Council’s adopted and emerging Local Plan.