Planning Success in Elmbridge Borough

Client: Wates Developments

LPA: Elmbridge Borough Council

Boyer has secured outline planning consent for residential development on a Strategic Employment Site in East Molesey (within Elmbridge Borough).

The scheme, prepared on behalf of Wates Developments, is for the construction of up to 95 residential units with associated access. The proposal includes up to 40% affordable houses and several areas of open space.

An outline planning application was submitted in September 2015 following an extensive community engagement exercise (run by Boyer) with the planning consent issued in December 2015.

Boyer’s Development Economics team prepared an Economic Statement to support the application, which justified the loss of the employment land having regard to National Planning Policy Framework Paragraph 22. The Economic Statement also included a review of the other 15 Strategic Employment Sites in the Borough.

Planning Committee Members agreed that the site was no longer suitable for its current use due to its location in a residential area; the specification of the buildings and issues relating to market demand and supply.

Jonathan Lieberman (Associate Director) said “Wates Developments sought to engage the community through the design process and as a result, the development includes a wide mix of homes, green spaces and a play area on this under-utilised brownfield site. The provision of 40 per cent affordable housing for both affordable rent and shared ownership will make a significant contribution to addressing local housing need”.

Key Contact

The senior team member overseeing all aspects of this project.

Philip Allin


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