Lowsley Farm, Liphook, Hampshire

Image: © Thrive
Client: Easterton Ltd
LPA: East Hampshire District Council
Boyer, on behalf of Easterton Ltd, successfully secured outline planning permission for 330 dwellings and a 6.37 ha SANG and successfully secured reserved matters planning permission for phase 1 (155 dwellings) to ensure early delivery.
Boyer initially advised on the promotion of the land as a sustainable urban extension to Liphook through the Council’s Housing and Employment Allocations Local Plan and successfully secured an allocation for the site.
The proposals were subject to extensive pre-application discussions with the Local Planning Authority and local residents and throughout the application there were a number of complex negotiations on drainage, highways and S106/CIL contributions.
Planning permission for this site significantly contributed towards the five year housing land supply for East Hampshire District Council and the proposals result in a high quality extension to Liphook.