Land off Osier Way, Buckingham
Client: Wates Developments
LPA: Aylesbury Vale District Council
The proposal seeks outline permission for a residential development of up to 420 dwellings together with access arrangement, associated infrastructure, open space and landscaping works.
Under the terms of the Regulations 2017, the proposed development does fall within Category 10(b) of Schedule 2, in that the proposal is an urban development project on a site that exceeds 5 hectares. On this basis, Boyer co-ordinated technical work from the consultant team and submitted an EIA Screening Request to Aylesbury Vale District Council (AVDC). Whilst there are likely to be some impacts arising from the development proposal, Boyer successfully argued that they are not likely to be of more than local importance and as such could be dealt with within the normal planning application process.
Subsequently, AVDC issued a formal Screening Opinion, which concurred with the conclusions set out by Boyer and determined that the proposals did not comprise EIA development and therefore, no ES was required to be prepared alongside the planning application.