Land North West of Grove

Client: Persimmon Homes (Wessex) Ltd
LPA: Vale of White Horse District Council (VoWHDC)
Screening: A screening request was submitted by Persimmon to VoWHDC in July 2020 and the response was received in September 2020, confirming that the proposal was considered EIA development categorised as a Schedule 2, 10(b) urban development project exceeding 150 dwellings. A full ES was therefore required.
Scoping: Whilst no formal scoping request was submitted to VoWHDC, the intended scope of the ES was informally agreed with the LPA through email correspondence and in accordance with the screening opinion.
EIA co-ordinator: Alyson Jones
Project summary: The site at Land North West of Grove extends to 28.4ha of agricultural land. It is located near to the existing settlement, Grove, and associated services and facilities such as schools, shops, village hall, and public transport.
A residential-led scheme is proposed to include new access, landscaping and green infrastructure, public open space, community uses and potential land for a school. The ES based the assessment on the development of up to 624 dwellings if a school is not required; or up to 531 dwellings if a school is required.
In October 2020, Boyer co-ordinated the production of all three Volumes of the Environmental Statement to assess the effects of the proposed development. The ES comprised of 7 technical chapters in relation to socio-economics, landscape, ecology, archaeology, noise, transport and ground conditions. Boyer prepared the introductory chapters, the technical socio-economic chapter and the non-technical summary.
The Outline planning application was then submitted by Persimmon in November 2020 and is currently being determined by VoWHDC.