Land at Church Lane, Sarratt

Client: Burlington Property Group

LPA: Three Rivers District Council

Boyer London secured planning permission on behalf of Burlington Property Group for the development of 92 homes and a new doctors surgery on two parcels of land at Church Lane in Sarratt, Hertfordshire. The two planning applications had previously been refused by Three Rivers District Council but succeeded on appeal.

Of the 92 homes delivered across the two sites, 48 will be affordable, comprising of different tenures, whilst nine will be self/custom-build homes.  On the larger site, a new Doctor’s Surgery will be delivered, replacing the existing, cramped facility in the village, thereby enhancing the patient experience and supporting the local growing and aging population. 

The original planning applications had been refused primarily due to the sites being within the Green Belt, associated landscape harm and their location in a less sustainable part of the District. However, the Inspector found that the considerable scheme benefits, especially the proposals ability to address an acute housing need locally, significantly outweighed the identified harm.

Image Credit: Pegasus Group

Key Contact

The senior team member overseeing all aspects of this project.

Alice Moore

Associate Director

Philip Allin


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