Lakeland Climbing Centre, Lambeth

Client: Lakeland Climbing Centre
LPA: London Borough of Lambeth
Boyer provided planning consultancy services to an indoor climbing wall operator in respect of proposals to re-furbish and occupy a vacant Grade II listed building in Lambeth.
Planning permission and listed building consent were granted in 2013 for the redevelopment of the former Lilian Baylis school site on Lollard Street for a mixed-use scheme comprising 149 residential properties within several retained school buildings. Although the scheme has been built out and occupied, the former Assembly Hall building (Grade II) has lain vacant as no viable proposals to occupy and re-furbish the building materialised.
On behalf of our client, the Lakeland Climbing Centre (LCC), we undertook pre-application discussions with planning & heritage officers before preparing and submitting applications to secure the necessary planning & listed building approvals. Consents have now been granted and will enable this important heritage building to be brought back into community use, whilst balancing both sensitive refurbishment and ensuring a viable commercial operation can be delivered. We are looking forward to seeing the climbing centre open and continuing to work with the LCC.