Gravesend, Kent

Client: NHS Property Services
LPA: Gravesham Borough Council
Boyer, acting on behalf of NHS Property Services, has been successful in obtaining a resolution to grant an outline application. The application proposes the redevelopment for part of a former hospital site in Gravesend town centre of up to 80 apartments and a commercial unit.
The scheme proposals, prepared by Boyer’s design team, went through considerable review with two presentations to the Council’s Design Review Panel, presentation to Councillors and significant dialogue with Planning Officers. Through this positive dialogue we were able to demonstrate that the site was capable of delivering up to 80 high quality new homes assisting in the regeneration of this part of Gravesend. Due to the existence of the former hospital buildings, we were also able to successfully make the case that the Vacant Building Credit applied which significantly reduced the affordable housing requirement.
Following this positive outcome, the NHS are now in the process of marketing the site and hope to complete the disposal of the site by Spring 2017.