Clockwork Factory, 13 Blackburn Road, London

Client: West Hampstead Investment Partnerships
LPA: LB Camden
Boyer submitted a planning application for a comprehensive redevelopment of the site to provide 53 residential units and a 9 storey office building. The site is within the West End Lane Interchange, outlined in the London Plan as an Area for Intensification. The application followed a prior approval that was granted in 2014 for the conversion of office space to 29 residential units under Class O of the GPDO.
The proposed development would deliver 3 blocks comprising 53 dwellings of a range of sizes and tenures; over 3000sqm of commercial floorspace comprising office space and flexible town centre uses; and a new public square. A number of other public realm improvements are also improved including pavement widening and increased surveillance onto Billy Fury Way.
Proposed new public square
Proposed view down Blackburn Road
Proposed aerial view