Bromley North Clinic

Client: NHS Property Services
LPA: London Borough of Bromley
Boyer, acting on behalf of NHS Property Services, has been successful at appeal in obtaining outline planning consent for the redevelopment of the Bromley North Clinic to provide nine flats within a new three storey building.
The scheme was originally refused by Bromley Borough Council as the proposal was adjudged to be prejudicial to the redevelopment of the wider Bromley North Opportunity Area in which the site was located. The Council also claimed that the scheme would be detrimental to the character and appearance of the area and on-street car parking conditions.
Boyer successfully refuted all three reasons for refusal at appeal, making the case that in accordance with the Development Plan, the scheme provided housing within an area earmarked for residential development as part of an Opportunity Area that had failed to deliver any development since its inception within the London Plan. Boyer also submitted evidence to justify the loss of the facility on the basis that replacement healthcare facilities had been re-provided in the area; and that its loss would not prejudice community uses coming forward as part of the future redevelopment plans for the Opportunity Area. The Inspector also agreed with Boyer that the indicative scheme would be acceptable in terms of design; and that given the sites sustainable Town Centre location, and the Council’s lack of evidence to the contrary, the scheme would not adversely effect on-street car parking conditions and highway safety.
Boyer is proud of our on-going partnership with the NHS and look forward to continued success in unlocking the value within their property portfolio.