Bridge House Care Village, Twyford, Berkshire

Image: © Pope Priestley Architects
Client: Hurstlane Ltd
LPA: Wokingham Borough Council
Boyer are currently providing planning consultancy services to Hurstlane Ltd at Bridge House Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) in Wokingham.
Following the grant of permission for the care facility under Use Class C2 (Care) for 137 extra care units, serviced dementia care suites and a dementia care home in the grounds of a Listed Building and partly within a Conservation Area, Boyer are seeking to amend the original planning permission.
Following extensive pre-application consultation with the Council, including over the scope of Section 73 to amend planning permissions, Boyer has prepared and submitted a S.73 application to vary the original permission, to reflect changes in residents requirements and expectations. Most notably there is a reduction in the number of 1 bed apartments and an increase in 2 bed apartments, enhanced community facilities including larger hydro pool and a revised road layout.
The development will enable residents to move into their own home while receiving care and access to a wide range of facilities, with the ability to access greater levels of support where required including care home accommodation.