Basingstoke Golf Course, Hampshire

Image: © Boyer

Basingstoke Golf Club and Bloor Homes
LPA: Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council

Boyer submitted detailed representations on behalf of the Golf Club and gave evidence at the Examination in Public to secure an allocation in the Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan for 1000 homes. Boyer were then instructed by Bloor Homes to prepare an Outline planning application, supported by an EIA, for 1,000 homes, sports pitches, local centre, community facilities and infrastructure improvements.  Boyer led on all planning negotiations and stakeholder engagement to secure Outline planning permission.  Boyer are now currently negotiating Reserved Matters planning applications. 

Key Contact

The senior team member overseeing all aspects of this project.

Karen Charles

Executive Director, Head of Boyer Wokingham

Meet the Project Team

All the team members bringing their individual expert knowledge to this project.

Lucy Anderson

Associate Director

Mandy Owen

Associate Director

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