Amber Way, Burbage

Client: Persimmon Homes
LPA: Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council
Boyer successfully secured full planning permission at appeal for 40 dwellings and associated infrastructure at Land South of Amber Way, Burbage for Persimmon Homes (North Midlands) Ltd.
The application was refused by Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council due to its solely residential use, the proposed design and its cumulative impact on the highway network.
At the hearing, Boyer successfully demonstrated that although the proposal will not deliver a neighbourhood centre in line with the lapsed outline planning permission, it will not prevent the delivery of a neighbourhood centre within the wider allocated site and the principal of the development accords with local and national policies. Boyer also put forward that the development is sympathetically designed and would be in keeping with the character of the site and surrounding area. Highway concerns were also addressed during the appeal process.
The Inspector agreed with the evidence put forward by Boyer allowed the appeal.