Alexander House, Cardiff

Client: ColSilverbird A Sarl
LPA: Cardiff City Council
Boyer’s Cardiff office secured a successful resolution to grant planning permission for the demolition of an existing office building and redevelopment of site to provide 213 No. student bedrooms in 3 No. blocks (3-5 storeys in height), a flexible mix of commercial (A1/A2/A3/B1a/D1) uses in two ground floor units in the central block (Block B), together with car parking, landscaping and associated infrastructure.
Despite objections from neighbouring retail operators and concerns raised by the Council’s Economic Development Officer and Highways Team, the application for Alexander House was recommended for approval at Planning Committee.
Boyer advised the client on the prospects of achieving planning permission, as well as the strategy for the preparation of Pre-Application Consultation (PAC) process and submission of the full planning application. Following the applications submission, Boyer liaised with the Council, Statutory Consultees and Co-Consultants to secure a positive outcome.