Abbey Barn South, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire

Images: © John Thompson & Partners and © Berkeley Homes
Client: Berkeley Homes (Oxford & Chiltern)
LPA: Buckinghamshire Council
Boyer advised Berkeley Homes (Oxford & Chiltern) on the successful negotiation of a hybrid planning application for 550 homes, employment, community space and parkland on the edge of High Wycombe. The development includes a spine road to provide bus, car and cycle/walking connectivity to neighbouring areas. The application included the detail of 129 homes within Phase 1 to enable early delivery.
Abbey Barn Park is a transformational landscape led scheme. The new community is set within glorious undulating countryside boarded by ancient woodlands. The development offers a wide mix of homes from 1 bed apartments to 5 bed detached houses. The homes are designed to the highest architectural standard and nestle within a unique landscape including a beautiful 34 acre county park, children’s play areas, woodlands walks, fitness trail, wellness garden, allotments and a community orchard.
The application was subject to a successful EIA screening to confirm that an Environmental Statement was not required.
The scheme was subject to extensive pre-application and post application negotiations, plus a public exhibition to showcase the development to the local community.
Subsequently, Boyer have successfully secured planning permission for a Reserved Matters application for 12 Class B8 and/or Class E(g)(iii) units.