Planning Success in Coggeshall, Essex
The permission was secured with unanimous approval at Braintree Planning Committee, following a successful process of engagement with the local community and Officers.
As the reserved matters proposals were being prepared, the Parish Council were pressing ahead with a draft Neighbourhood Plan that placed strong emphasis on creating a place of distinctiveness, and ensuring that new developments are of the highest quality, respect the historic and natural landscape of the village and respond to the climate crisis. With opposition from local residents and the Neighbourhood Plan Group, Boyer lead proactive consultation and engagement prior to submission and during the course of the application. The lengthy and detailed discussions and negotiations successfully resulted in the historically contentious development receiving endorsements from the Parish Council, Officers and Members for the quality of design, extensive landscaping and exciting architecture proposed. At Planning Committee, the constructive manner in which engagement had been undertaken with Officers and the Neighbourhood Plan Group was acknowledged and high praise received from Members.
Boyer are proud to have worked with Vistry Group and alongside project team consultants CooperBaillie (Architecture), James Blake Associates (Landscape and Ecology) and Ardent (Engineering) in order to successfully progress the reserved matters proposals for this site and achieve approval at Planning Committee.