Boyer's success in Dovercourt
The carefully designed proposals, produced by Boyer Design, will deliver significant public realm improvements to the town centre, transforming a prominent derelict site on High Street, Dovercourt with new landscaped public spaces, public toilets facilities, and a public car park that will also serve as an flexible space for community events, such as street markets and seasonal festivals. The redevelopment of the Starlings Site, as it is locally known, is the first key regeneration project from the Dovercourt Masterplan to be delivered and is a priority corporate objective for Tendring District Council. Through the implementation of targeted ‘place shaping’ projects such as this, the Council is investing in the revitalisation of Dovercourt and Boyer are proud to be supporting them in their endeavors. At Planning Committee, Members commended the efforts of the project team and complimented the proposals stating that it is “an exemplar development, excellently executed”.