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Appeal allowed for 55 Build to Rent units in Hounslow

The site at 147-161 Hounslow High Street was formerly occupied by M&S, but had since been subdivided into three retail units at ground floor, with the upper floors remaining vacant.

The proposals will regenerate the site through the partial demolition of the existing building, retention of the three retail units at ground floor and redevelopment above to create a building rising to 6 storeys. This will provide 55 flats comprising a mix of 5 x studios, 26 x 1 beds, 16 x 2 beds and 8 x 3 beds, of which 5% will be affordable. There will be generous amenity spaces provided on site including private balconies for all units, as well as two courtyards, playspace, and two roof terraces.

The appeal was predicated on viability and mix. During the course of the appeal the viability element was resolved with the Council, leaving the suitability of the mix to be determined by the Planning Inspectorate. Whilst the mix did not align with the Council’s requirements due to the higher proportion of smaller units, the Inspector determined that the sustainable location of the site within the town centre and the nature of the BTR development meant that the Council’s mix requirements could be applied flexibility.

The considerable benefits of the scheme, including the regeneration of the site through the high-quality design, the delivery of homes including affordable housing, and the use of previously developed land, all weighed in favour of approving the development.

Alice Moore, Associate Director in Boyer’s London office said, “We are delighted to have achieved planning consent for this scheme, which will maintain retail use on Hounslow High Street while also providing much-needed housing and benefiting the vibrancy of the local area.

In achieving planning success, Boyer worked alongside Formation Architects (architecture), ULL Property (viability consultants), Lustre (air quality, drainage and noise), Heritage Collective (archaeology), Landscape Partnership (landscape), SJA Trees (arboriculture), Avison Young (daylight and sunlight), Odyssey (transport), CPW (energy), Thorncliffe (PR), Fire Risk Solutions (fire) and Constructive Evaluation Limited (contamination). 

Images: Haze



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